Friday, June 12, 2009

life's funny.

wrote this awhile ago...but it mos def worth posting...

life's funny how you can have everything and still have's funny how when you when you think you're gonna make it where you need to go there's always a's funny how can everything planned and then it rains and changes's funny cause plans don't's funny when you think you know where you need to go and then realize you do need a's funny cause the smallest things can seem huge and then looking back they were pretty tiny in the whole's funny how the picture can seem blurry and then you realize you had the wrong's funny cause sometimes getting it out of your system will fix's funny cause sometimes crying does make it's funny cause you wonder why and then you realize it doesn't's funny cause sometimes you concentrate on the big things you forget the small's funny cause the small things are prolly the most's funny cause everything happens for reason but there doesn't have to be a reason for some things to's funny cause some things take forever to happen but then you look back and wonder where the time's funny how you wish something would happen sooo bad and then you realize you didn't even want that when it's funny cause sometimes we forget that you gotta crawl before we can walk and walk before we can's funny cause we forget that we're not really the ones in the driver's's funny because you can make a mess of it and then want someone else to clean it's funny cause you can get soo mad you forget what the problem's funny cause you can think you have the biggest problems and then you see what it's like to have problems and you are thankful for your's funny cause once you figure out how to play you realize that it's not a's funny but we take it too serious and forget to laugh and realize life's funny......

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brain Stew.


Successful. ?

1 : resulting or terminating in success 2 : gaining or having gained success 

1: degree or measure of succeeding b: favorable or desired outcome ; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence2: one that succeeds

i suppose, 
i just wanna be, 
i just wanna be successful. 

at what point do you feel successful?
when i was working and was making decent money i was feeling pretty successful, but now i question if that was even success.
so whats the next step to success?
that's a question i keep asking myself.
when i find a new job am i successful again?
im not sure i will feel it then.
in my opinion i feel like success is when your doing something you enjoy no matter the pay, the glow or glo-ry... :) (see what i did right there)
can you be lost and successful at the sametime?
i feel kinda lost at the moment...meaning im not sure what the next step not on no gorilla zoe type shit...but im looking for a map right now...

i suppose, 
i just wanna be, 
i just wanna be successful.