Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Successful. ?

1 : resulting or terminating in success 2 : gaining or having gained success 

1: degree or measure of succeeding b: favorable or desired outcome ; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence2: one that succeeds

i suppose, 
i just wanna be, 
i just wanna be successful. 

at what point do you feel successful?
when i was working and was making decent money i was feeling pretty successful, but now i question if that was even success.
so whats the next step to success?
that's a question i keep asking myself.
when i find a new job am i successful again?
im not sure i will feel it then.
in my opinion i feel like success is when your doing something you enjoy no matter the pay, the glow or glo-ry... :) (see what i did right there)
can you be lost and successful at the sametime?
i feel kinda lost at the moment...meaning im not sure what the next step not on no gorilla zoe type shit...but im looking for a map right now...

i suppose, 
i just wanna be, 
i just wanna be successful.

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